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YC Sam Altman의 좋은 강의. 'How to Succeed with a Startup'

YC Sam Altman의 좋은 강의. 'How to Succeed with a Startup' 주기적으로 이 시사점들에 대해 더 나아지고 있는지 계속 반추해보면 더 성장할 것 같다. 그 중 15번에 집중하는 내년이 되자고 다짐해본다. 유튜브 댓글에 정리가 있어서 공유ㅎㅎ

The 18 Key Takeaways:

1. A product so good people tell their friends

2. Product to be easily understood - to be articulated in 1 sentence

3. Market you're in to experience exponential growth (soon)

4. Ensure you're part of a real trend (lots of actual usage)

5. Evangelical founder (CEO should act out 24/7 hustle)

6. Ambitious vision (something massive and exciting yet rooted in facts)

7. Its now easier to start a hard startup than an easy startup (hard problems are meaningful and thus attract top talent  more easily) 

8. Confident and definite vision (this is what is going to happen, courage of own convictions)

9. 'Huge if it works' (very small chance of success, like all startups, but if it works, it will be massive)

10. Team:

       Founder should spend a lot of time hiring

       Hire a few 'idea generators' who churn out lots of new ideas

       Ideal founder spirit: "we'll figure it out"  

       All team members should take ownership and take responsibility


11. Keep momentum, once you lose it, very hard to turn the ship

12. Know your competitive advantage

13. Know how you'll make money

14. Know how you'll distribute your product

15. Traits of best founders: Frugality, focus, obsession, love

Startup advantages:

16. Agility and speed of startups allow you to beat large companies

17. Speed of market evolution gives you advantage

18. Look for ideas that sound bad but are good

(summarized by Jord van den Hooff)