Arianna Huffington – Masters of Scale
Complete interview between Arianna Huffington — Founder & CEO of Thrive Global and previously The Huffington Post — and Reid Hoffman, Silicon Valley investor/entrepreneur.
이제 하루에 한편씩 마스터할려고 한다. 출근때 20분, 퇴근때 20분.
아리아나는 super work hard하는 10대 두딸을 둔 이혼한 엄마다. 기업가로서 성공하기 위해 엄청나게 본인을 희생시켜왔다고. 어느날 정신을 잃고 책상에 부딪혀 이마가 찢어지는 사건을 겪고 내가 무엇을 위해 이렇게 달리고 있나를 돌아본다. 잠을 하찮게 여기면서 본인은 많은 실수를 하고 있다는 걸 깨달음. 특히 채용. 심지어 이런 분위기 속에서는 다른 동료들도 흐리멍텅한 판단을 하게 된다고. 마치 타이타닉이 잘가고 있지만 밑에 바위를 보지 못하고 돌진하는 것과 같다고 표현을 한다.
초보 기업가들은 이런 잠을 희생시키면서 성과를 내는 것을 당연하게 생각하는 환영에 빠진다고. 회사를 운영하는 건 굉장히 장기적인 일이고 wellbing에 대한 중요성을 아주 강조한다.
팟캐스트에서 나오는 소소한 팁은 낮잠 15-20분 잘자고 잘때 전자기기랑 멀어지고 우선 순위 끊임없이 잘 세우라고 한다. 또팀원들에게 일 이외에 중요한 루틴한게 뭔지를 관찰해서 그것이 다치지 않게 배려해줘야된다고.. 예를들어 7시 30분에는 아이를 유치원에 데려다줄 때 행복을 느낀다든지.. (안심한다든지..)
호프먼 같은 경우는 금요일 저녁부터 토요일까지는 거의 일을 안한다. 일요일에 월요일부터 달릴 준비를 한다고.
참조1) 호프먼이 스타트업들에게 응원해줄 때 이런 말을 해준다고 - “If startups were easy, everyone would do it. They’re hard. But that hardness is the thing that gives you the chance to change the world. All startups go through a valley of the shadow. All of them — PayPal, LinkedIn, things that I’ve done personally, things that I’ve invested inFacebook, Airbnb — all have valleys of the shadow where you’re like, ‘Why did we think this was a good idea? We didn’t realize there was going to be this landmine, that it was going to be this hard.’ But that’s where you have the possibility of being heroic, of accomplishing something that no one else has done. Of making a change in the world that gets reflected in society and changes millions of people’s lives. And that’s the reason why you face down these dark days, you band together, and you work very hard to solve them. And that’s your chance to be heroes.“
참조2) 버클리 인지과학 교수인데 왜 우리는 자야되는가? 뉴욕 타임즈 베스트 셀러 왈
Your subjective assessment of how well you’re doing with insufficient sleep is a miserable predictor of objectively how well you’re doing, so it’s quite like the drunk driver at a bar, they’ve had seven or eight shots, they pick up their car keys and they say, “I feel fine to drive home.” And your response is, “I know that you think you’re fine to drive home but trust me, objectively you’re not.” And it’s the same way when people try to get by on too little sleep.
The science of insufficient sleep in the workplace can be summarized in the following facts. Firstly, under-slept employees, defined as getting 6 hours of sleep or less, they will select less challenging problems that you give them. Second, under-slept employees will actually generate fewer creative solutions to novel problems that you do actually force them to try and solve. Third, the less sleep that an employee has, the more likely they are to slack off when they are working in teams and just ride the coattails of other people’s hard work. One of the more surprising facts is that the less and less sleep that an employee has had, the more and more likely they are to lie, become unethical. So for example, falsify data in a spreadsheet.
And then finally, what we found is that insufficient sleep and its impact goes all the way up the top of the business chain. The more or less sleep that a business leader has had for one night to the next, the more or less charismatic and inspiring the employees will rate that business leader from one day to the next, even though the employees know nothing about how much sleep the boss has been getting. It’s evidential in the CEO’s behavior.
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