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The 5 elements of an agile marketer

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관련된 좋은 기사가 있어서 기록!

The 5 elements of an agile marketer

1.Today’s marketer needs to be 'full-stack', with skill sets in data analytics, research, PR, branding, IT, UX and product development.

2.Calls for an Agile approach

3.It’s no longer about branding, pricing and channels; instead, it is the customer experience you deliver.

4.Marketers today have to collaborate with other stakeholders and stay faithfully connected with all channels in order to maintain the pulse over critical customer touch points.

5.It’s ok to fail and fail fast

6.marketing team’s focus into one that’s customer-oriented, and capable of reacting fast to capitalise on new consumer behaviours and trends

7.There is no “I” in an Agile environment, for teamwork is essential

8.Being Agile is all about moving fast. Data-driven insights are your new BFF.

9.A seamless alignment on strategy, performance and relationship sets the strong foundation leading to the success in maximising the potential of the network.

10.An Agile marketer has to firstly hold a positive attitude

11.an Agile marketer has to have the passion and thirst to learn